Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Ack! Feelings of Confusion Abound!

I'm a 7 year undergraduate student and I'm finally getting my bachelor's degree this semester :knocks on wood:. I should be elated, proud, relieved; this is a big achievement for me, since my schooling went on hiatus when I had Gus and got married.

But I'm nervous. What am I going to do now? I always told myself that I was going to become a Celtic Archaeologist or at least a Medieval Archaeologist with focus on the British Isles and France. But that sort of a lifestyle isn't really all that feasible for me right now. I can't exactly easily gallavant off to foreign countries to work on dig sites for 6 weeks.

And then there's the whole Grad School Thing. I'd like to go, but I wouldn't know what to study exactly: Medieval Studies? Archaeology? Something else entirely? And I'm not sure if I'd be a good candidate. I mean, I have a pretty good GPA, but I did take that time off to be at home and I didn't really do undergraduate research or hobknob with the faculty or go to symposia or anything.

And then there'd be the issue of where to go: Do I stay here? Or do I uproot my nuclear and extended family (mother-in-law, who would not be keen on leaving AT ALL) to go somewhere else to study? Especially when I'm not exactly sure what I want to do anymore at all?

:sighs: And I honestly don't even know why I'm typing all this out, as I don't exactly plan on overly sharing any of this with anyone. It seems kinda egomaniacal even as I type this. Bleh.

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